Birth Medication Injury Attorneys
Helping Parents of Children Harmed by Medications
You should be able to trust that medications will only help your family, not injure them. Yet medication mismanagement results in birth injuries and severe health problems among newborns every year.
Did the doctors and nurses who assisted with your child’s birth order and administer medication at an unsafe level, like administering too much Pitocin? If a medication error harmed you and your newborn in any way, then The Law Firm of Michael H. Bereston in Maryland wants to hear from you. Our medication error attorneys could help you file a claim for compensation against the medical providers who made such a terrible mistake.
Call (410) 220-6581 to speak with one of our lawyers today.
What Causes a Medication Error?
Medication errors can take many forms, but the cause of them is often the same: negligence.
Forms of negligence that can cause a medication error include:
- Prescribing the wrong medication
- Ordering the wrong dosage amount
- Administering medication in the wrong dose or frequency
- Inadequate monitoring
Medications Often Mismanaged by Obstetricians & Nurses
The wrong medicine – or the right medicine in the wrong dosage or taken at the wrong time – can do more harm than good.
Medications that are often linked to birth injuries due to physician and nurse mismanagement include:
- Cytotec: Cytotec can be used to induce labor. There are many precautions and contraindications that must be considered prior to the use of Cytotec. If Cytotec was ordered and administered when it should not have been, serious consequences such as uterine rupture can occur placing the mother and baby at risk for injury.
- Pitocin: Another medication frequently used to induce or augment labor, is Pitocin. Pitocin can cause contractions that are too strong, last too long, and are too close together. During contractions, blood flow between the placenta and the baby is disrupted. Hence, if contractions are too strong, too long, and/or too close together, the baby may not get enough oxygen and an injury can occur.
- Cervidil: This medication may be used to induce labor. As overstimulation of the uterus can occur with the use of this medication, proper placement and monitoring are necessary to ensure the mom and baby do not suffer injury from possible overstimulation.
Did a Prescription Drug Harm Your Infant?
Not all medication errors are caused by medicines and substances used in the hospital during or just prior to labor. Prescription medications the mother is prescribed for entirely separate health concerns can be problematic. Doctors and obstetricians need to be fully aware of the danger that can befall an unborn child if a mother is given a medication that is safe for her but not necessary for her child. An unsafe prescription that causes harm to a child could put the liability on the doctor that prescribed it.
We Fight for Injured Children & Mothers
Our birth medication error attorneys from the Law Firm of Michael H. Bereston are ready to help after a doctor’s mistake hurts you or your child. You deserve the best medical care. You also deserve compassionate legal services. While we cannot help with medical care, we can ensure that you have legal services that pay attention to your expectations and best interests.
Please contact us online to discuss your medication error case with our legal professionals.

Our goal in each case we handle is to obtain the maximum compensation for our clients, which is why we only take on a limited number of cases each year.